Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thoughts from Entebbe

As my trip is winding down it becomes increasingly difficult to put my thoughts into words. I am excited to get back home, however my heart aches for my friends in Africa that I will have to say goodbye to in a few short days. I am in Entebbe at the most beautiful guest house in the midst of an amazing rain storm. The last few days in Congo have been filled with hope. On Thursday I spent time with the precious women of "Grace Place". Grace Place is a women's business co-op that was formed last July. This is one example of the very positive response to the Mending the Soul conference that took place earlier this year. Many women and children that were once seen as damaged goods and forced to live in prostitution camps have been welcomed back home and taken in by their communities. They meet three times a week to work on micro-business projects such as: soap making, sewing, jewelry making, greeting cards, etc.
They also continue to receive trauma counseling and work together to build self-confidence. My time with these women was filled with dancing, singing, and sharing. I was able to see their commitment to restoration as they spoke not only about the pain they have experienced, but the hope they hold onto. They are beginning to see themselves not as society sees them, but as daughters of a King who loves them so much that He knows everything about them. They see themselves as business women and discuss aspects of market analysis and supply and demand. Thank you so much to all of you who believed in these women and have committed to walk along side of them. They are clear evidence of the healing power that is found in Jesus Christ.

Continue to hope!



glocal.dan said...

yes, continue to hope!

Biography said...

peggy where are you??? need to speak with you about a project....rodney