Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jared with children in Jiangyou (after distribution of milk drink boxes)

Devastation in Jiangyou.

Deyang Hospital – all patients located outside the hospital due to structural damage to the hospital building and fear of aftershocks

China Relief

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hello to all from China, thank you for all the prayers they are much needed. We have been to many earthquake sites, and I have had the privilege of holding hands, and listening to many stories. Currently there are 4.9 million people who are homeless, 69 thousand confirmed dead 19 thousand missing and as it continues to rain it is causing flooding and mudslides. Today I heard from someone whose daughter was trapped under the rubble of the school building for 2 days, in order to get her out they had to amputate both of her legs. So many children died at that school site, this community grieves for those lost and injured.

I also met and held the broken wrist of an older woman who was trapped under her house for days. Despite her many injuries and the obvious physical pain she was in, she could not thank us enough for coming by and all she wanted was to make us lunch. I have been forever impacted by this sweet and unselfish woman. Please keep her in your prayers as all she has left is the stove she prepared lunch for us on, and is sleeping under a plastic tent.

The government here has done an amazing job in response to the earthquake. They are well organized and have mobilized the military, police, and municipal leaders who all provide to the immediate needs such as; housing, (tents) food, and medical needs. In addition to their government, they are working with many groups to provide service. Phoenix is the first US city allowed in to help, and as I delivered the message of love from Arizona it meant so much to them. They very much appreciate the help and cherish the sister city relationship of over 20 years with the city of Phoenix. As I read a personal handwritten note from Mayor Phil Gordon, on behalf of the people of Phoenix, and a note from Governor Janet Napalitano, they realized they are not alone.

As I am getting ready to leave China, seeing as we have done our assessment and delivered the first monetary gift to help in relief efforts, the image of these strong, kind and brave people are burned into my memory. It is so important that they realize they are not alone in this process and although we have never met them, we love them and want to help.