Wednesday, October 22, 2008

News from Congo

Today we drove to one of my favorite communities in this region known as Oicha. On the way I saw many UN patrols for the first time. The patrol cars were armed with gunmen on the top as the UN tries to maintain a presence during this difficult time. Many families have been forced from their homes. They ride their bikes for miles, taking only the belongings they can carry on their backs. The displaced people are being taken in by churches and communities, this way they will not be forced into IDP camps. This is not the only way that people here demonstrate their strength, they refuse to give up.

Today David took me to meet the new mayor; What a pleasure it was to encourage him in this time of turmoil. He seems to be a great leader and is focused on serving with integrity. Later in the day I went to visit the justice courts and the magistrates. As you can imagine, I had many questions about the protection of woman and children against violence. I was able to speak to five different judges and respectfully challenge their laws. They asked if we might have another discussion on Thursday to go into more detail on this issue. This is very exciting. I pray that I will remember the words of so many woman and children that have recounted to me the horror of what has happened to them. I will never forget their faces, as I see them in my dreams.

With love,

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