Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hello Friends,

The trip has begun! I am on my way to visit our brothers and sisters in the DRC, Congo. I am waiting in London on an eight hour layover and then will continue the journey to Africa. The time cannot pass quickly enough as I am so excited to love on our friends. Please continue to pray for our friends in Congo as rebel warfare continues to engulf the country. Just a few days ago the rebels seized the local airport. Thanks to the UN peace keepers the airport is no longer under rebel control. The wonderful people of Congo continue to press forward and strive for peace and reconciliation. We can only hope that it comes soon.

During my trip we will be celebrating the second year of CBUC, a University of excellence. The enrollment opened at 4o students, grew to 90, and they will open this academic year with 300 students! Thanks to your generosity and support the school has a computer lab and many student programs essential to attaining sustainability. Many of the students were traveling far away from home and making many sacrifices for the opportunity at an education, one sacrifice included going without food. As a result, the school now has a lunch program. CBUC also has a women's resource center. They provide women and children with the business skills they need to achieve success and economic empowerment. Many of these women have survived hardship after hardship and are now able to provide for their families. They have access to sewing machines, computers, garden tillers, beads and much more all provided with love from you! There is also an organic farming project in the works focused on achieving sustainability. Many of the business majors are working on micro-business projects to help make the university self-sustainable. As you can see it is a hard yet exciting time for the Congolese. Continue to remain hopeful and each time you turn on your faucet and see water, remember, you are blessed! I will keep you posted as technology allows.

Peace is Possible,



glocal.dan said...

I'm excited! Keep the blogs coming and say hi to my boys for me!

heart4congo said...

Can't wait to hear everything that is going on. Keep us posted. Say hello to everyone.

Unknown said...

I am so excited for the healing ministry to be extended even further. MTS has been instrumental in my continued healing, and your heart is palpable. Thank you for acting, loving and walking! Kim Schmidt